The letters M, V, and D are cutout above the words "Meaghan Van Dyke Digital Studies" with pressed flowers in both the bottom left and right corners.

Final Project Plan


For my final project for Intro to Digital Studies, I have decided to make a portfolio for my creations as a writer. The site will adopt several different media types and represent my scope both as a writer and digital creator.

Media Types

In this project, I want to create three sections within the website: one for my poetry, one for my long creative essays, and one for videos/audios that correlate to my poetry (ex. readings, videos that go along with narration, etc.). This domain will reflect who I am professionally, so I want it to be as creative and true to myself as I can make it. Through WordPress functions and customization options, I hope to be able to make it more of a domain of my own I can use even after college. I also believe that this website will truly culminate what I have learned this semester through the use of different media types embedded into the website.

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