The letters M, V, and D are cutout above the words "Meaghan Van Dyke Digital Studies" with pressed flowers in both the bottom left and right corners.

Heavy is the Hand that Holds the Spoon: Podcasting the UMW Home Dining Experience- Outline


For the podcast assignment, I chose to create a podcast on student’s experience with learning how to cook while on campus. For many students, college is the first taste of independence, which means many students are beginning to experiment with cooking on their own with a limited college budget. Through this podcast, I want to explore what college students choose to make come meal time and how being on campus affects this decision.


0-20 Seconds

Ambience of kitchen, people talking while eating food in the background

Introduction of place (Mary Washington student accommodations- types of kitchen)

Introduce main question of Podcast (Are students cooking in their accommodation kitchens? How have their cooking habits changed since they’ve been in college?)

Podcast Title (Heavy is the Hand that Holds the Spoon: Podcasting the UMW Dining Experience) and introduction of host (Meaghan Van Dyke)

20-30 Seconds

Upbeat, contemplative music

Introduction of two University accommodations (Eagle Landing and UMW Apartments)

30-55 Seconds

Ambiance of cooking in kitchen

Introduction of Eagle Landing interviewees

First interview (what do you like to cook? Why? Where did you learn to cook this?

55-80 Seconds

Ambiance of kitchen, people talking

Introduction of UMW Apartment interviewees

Second interview (what do you like to cook? Why? Where did you learn to cook this?

80-100 Seconds

Contemplative music

Interviews with both UMW Apartments and Eagle Landing residents (Do you feel like you are limited with what you could make with finances/ accommodation appliances?)

100-110 Seconds

Why does this topic matter?

Interviews with both UMW Apartments and Eagle Landing (Why does this topic matter to you/UMW faculty)

110-120 Seconds

Conclusion and sign-off

Ambient kitchen sounds

Test Recording


“Hi! My name is Meaghan Van Dyke, and for breakfast I had two chocolate chip muffins and for dinner I will have pizza.”

Audio Recording Details

This recording is set in my home kitchen, since the ambience of cooking in the background matches the ambience of cooking in a college dorm the closest. I recorded this using the voice memo feature on my phone, which gathers audio from the speakers at the bottom end of the phone. I did not use AI at all in the process of planning or recording this podcast episode.

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